Learning to Code

Learning Web Development: A Summer Reading List

Discover the best summer reads for learning web development. Dive into coding with these essential books.

Eddie Lewis

Exploring Web Development Frameworks This Summer

Dive into web development this summer! Discover popular frameworks like React, Angular, and Django to start your coding journey.

Eddie Lewis

Best Practices for Responsive Design in Summer

Learn the best practices for responsive design in the summer. Tips to optimize your website for summer themes and improve user experience.

Eddie Lewis

Creating a Web Development Study Schedule for Summer

Learn how to create an effective web development study schedule for summer and make the most of your learning time. Start coding now!

Eddie Lewis

Becoming a Software Engineer in the AI World

Dive into the future of technology with our comprehensive guide to becoming a software engineer in the AI world. This article explores essential programming skills, AI and machine learning fundamentals, practical project experience, and the importance of staying updated with industry trends. Whether<small>[...]</small>

Eddie Lewis

Preparing for a Web Development Bootcamp This Summer

Prepare for a summer web development bootcamp with our fun and educational guide. Tips, tools, and resources to help you succeed!

Eddie Lewis

Building Your First Summer-Time Website: A Step-by-Step Guide

Building your first website can be a summer project filled with fun and learning. This guide will help you create a website from scratch step by step.

Eddie Lewis

How to Stay Motivated While Learning Web Development During the Summer

Discover tips to stay motivated while learning web development during the summer. Achieve your goals and enjoy your learning journey.

Eddie Lewis

Skills a Full-Stack Developer Should Try to Prioritise

There is a high demand for these developers, and if you're interested in the opportunity, it's best to be aware of the right skills that will give you an edge.

Eddie Lewis

The Basics of Python: 5 Newbie-Asked Questions About Coding

In the next decade, the world should see increased jobs linked to computer sciences, estimated at 1.4 million positions to fill. Read to learn more.

Eddie Lewis